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Software para Arquivamento Digital, Software para Aprimoramento de Imagens de Raio X, Software para Raio X industrial, GE, VISTAPLUS V, GE VISTAPLUS V, Software para Arquivamento Digital e Aprimoramento de Imagens de Raio X GE VISTAPLUS V

Software para Arquivamento Digital e Aprimoramento de Imagens de Raio X GE VISTAPLUS V

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The perfect system for a precise evaluation of X-ray images

With its state-of-the-art digital image enhancement and analysis functions, VISTAPLUS V is the perfect software for rapid and precise evaluation of x-ray radioscopic images. It features a range of image acquisition systems to guarantee optimum image quality and an optimized user interface to facilitate the creation of complex image processing. In addition, VISTAPLUS V also offers real-time filtering of live images, guaranteeing the best possible image representation while inspecting in motion.

Product Features

- Image acquisition software working with different detector sources from 8-16 Bit
- Supports two monitors (up to three as an option)
- Real-time averaging for noise reduction in the live image without smearing effects
- Real-time filtering of the live image
- 33 predefined digital filter functions plus additional user-definable filters
- Easy to set up image processing macros
- Digital zoom function
- Ergonomic user interface

- Automatic and manual contrast and brightness adjustment
- DICONDE Export Interface to BHGE Rhythm® data management platform
- Overlay tools for image annotation
- Automatic and manual storage of digital images in various formats (BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF)
- Detector protection system During operation, the detector is monitored by an alarm system which is triggered in the event of blooming and damage to the x-ray detector.
- Communicates with PLCs of Inspection Technologies X-ray systems
- Password protection
- Integrated reference image function with user-definable display.
- Software supports GE VISTALUX image intensifiers and various Digital Detector Arrays


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