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Engrenagem,Robótica,Alta Resistencia,Impacto,Dynamixel, DYD-14-051,DYD-14-099,Alta Durabilidade,

Engrenagem Robótica de Alta Resistencia a Impacto Dynamixel DYD-14

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The DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) is a High-Precision gear with Superior Impact Resistance.

Generally, a traditional Cycloidal Gear Drive is well known as being strong but larger in size and heavier compared to the Harmonic Drive. However, unlike traditional Cycloid Drives, the ROBOTIS DYNAMIXEL DRIVE(DYD) achieves high torque and accurate repeatability at the same time while being more compact, lighter, and stronger over other reducers in the market.

Package Components
Item             Quantity              Description
DYD-14-099    1            DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD)


Gear ratio-5199
Repeatable peak torqueNm2435
Rated torqueNm3.75.4
Maximum input speedrpm6,0006,000
Nominal input speedrpm2,0002,000
Hysteresis loss / Backlasharcmin<3.0<3.0
Starting torquecNm2020
Service lifehours7,0007,000
Dimension(O.D. x H)mm∅68 x 30∅68 x 30

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