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Carga Eletrônica, Carga Eletrônica CC, carga eletrônica cc Programável, Siglent, Série SDL1000X/SDL1000X-E, Siglent Série SDL1000X/SDL1000X-E, Carga Eletrônica Siglent Série SDL1000X/SDL1000X-E, Carga Eletrônica CC Programável Siglent Série SDL1000X/SDL10

Carga Eletrônica CC Programável Siglent Série SDL1000X/SDL1000X-E

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O programador eletrônico de carga DC da série SDL1000X/SDL1000X-E da Siglent possui uma tela TFT-LCD de 3,5 polegadas, uma interface amigável e excelentes especificações de desempenho. Os modelos SDL1020X/SDL1020X-E apresentam uma faixa de entrada de 150V/30A, 200 W, enquanto os modelos SDL1030X / SDL1030X-E possuem uma faixa de entrada de 150V/30A, 300 W.

The SDL1000X series leads with measurement resolution of 0.1 mV/0.1 mA and the base SDL1000X-E series resolution is 1 mV/1 mA and adjustable current rise times from 0.001 A/μs~2.5 A/μs. For remote communication and control, the SDL series includes RS232/USB/LAN interface types. The SDL1000X series delivers stability over a wide range of applications and can meet all kinds of testing requirements. including: Power, battery/handheld device design, industry, LED lighting, automotive electronics, and aerospace.

    SDL1020X (Single channel ): DC 150 V/30 A, total power up to 200 W
    SDL1030X (Single channel ): DC 150 V/30 A, total power up to 300 W
    4 static modes / Dynamic mode: CC/CV/CR/CP
    Min. readback resolution: 0.1 mV, 0.1 mA
    Adjustable current rise time range: 0.001 A/us~2.5 A/us

SDL1020X-E: Input Voltage 150 V, Current 30 A and Power 200 W; CC/CV/CR/CP modes available; CC Dynamic mode frequency of 25 kHz; measuring frequency up to 500 kHz; current slew rate: 0.001 A/us~2.5 A/us; Min. Readback resolution of 1 mV, 1 mA
SDL1020X: Input Voltage 150 V, Current 30 A and Power 200 W; CC/CV/CR/CP modes available; CC Dynamic mode frequency of 25 kHz; measuring frequency up to 500 kHz; current slew rate: 0.001 A/us~2.5 A/us; Min. Readback resolution of 0.1 mV, 0.1 mA
SDl1030X-E: Input Voltage 150 V, Current 30 A and Power 300 W; CC/CV/CR/CP modes available; CC Dynamic mode frequency of 25 kHz; measuring frequency up to 500 kHz; current slew rate: 0.001 A/us~2.5 A/us; Min. Readback resolution of 1 mV, 1 mA
SDL1030X: Input Voltage 150 V, Current 30 A and Power 300 W; CC/CV/CR/CP modes available; CC Dynamic mode frequency of 25 kHz; measuring frequency up to 500 kHz; current slew rate: 0.001 A/us~2.5 A/us; Min. Readback resolution of 0.1 mV, 0.1 mA

Key Features

    SDL1020X (Single channel ): DC 150 V/30 A, total power up to 200 W
    SDL1030X (Single channel ): DC 150 V/30 A, total power up to 300 W
    4 static modes / Dynamic mode: CC/CV/CR/CP
    CC Dynamic mode: Continuous, pulsed, toggled
    CC Dynamic mode: 25 kHz, CP Dynamic mode: 12.5 kHz, CV Dynamic mode: 0.5 Hz
    Measuring speed of voltage and current: up to 500 kHz
    Adjustable current rise time range: 0.001 A/us~2.5 A/us
    Min. readback resolution: 0.1 mV, 0.1 mA
    Short-circuit, Battery test, CR-LED mode, and factory test functions
    4-wire SENSE compensation mode function
    List function supports editing as many as 100 steps
    Program function supports 50 groups of steps
    OCP, OVP, OPP, OTP and LRV protection
    External analog control
    Voltage, Current monitoring via 0-10 V
    3.5 inch TFT-LCD display, capable of displaying multiple parameters and states simultaneously
    Built-in RS232/USB/LAN communication interface, USB-GPIB module (optional)
    Waveform trend chart and easy-to-use file storage and call functions
    Includes PC software: Supports SCPI, LabView driver

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